Signed Contract with the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism

by Mustafa Zvizdić

In the premises of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, on 10 October, the Director of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas, Asad Jelešković, signed the contract with Minister Nasiha Pozder. The signed contract defines the activities and method of financing the project entitled “Ecological revitalization and recultivation of the surface and removal of the invasive species ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) in the area of ​​the protected landscape of Bentbaša”.

Project activities are planned to carry out ecological revitalization of the surface within the second protection zone of this protected landscape. In addition to this activity, the removal of the invasive tree of heaven, which is very widespread in this area, will also be carried out.

Through its activities, the Institution makes continuous investments in the protection of nature and natural values ​​of all the areas it manages.

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