Contract on the Purchase and Installation of Wooden Bridges at Vrelo Bosne Signed

by Mustafa Zvizdić

On 11 August 11 2022, a contract was signed on the procurement and installation of wooden bridges in the area of ​​the Nature Monument “Vrelo Bosne” – Phase I in the premises of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas. The contract was signed by Director Asad Jelešković on behalf of the Cantonal Public Institution and Director Mara Ikanović on behalf of “BOSS-COMMERCE“ company. The contract envisages the procurement, delivery and replacement of wooden structures on the existing bridges in the area of ​​the Nature Monument “Vrelo Bosne”. The deadline for the completion of the works is 60 days from the signing of the contract.

This is the first reconstruction of the bridges after twenty years and will undoubtedly refresh the area of ​​Vrelo Bosne and highlight its exceptional natural values ​​even more. Interventions in the space are continuous and necessary, whether it is the renovation of the existing or the construction of new infrastructure.

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