Stocking at Bentbaša

by Mustafa Zvizdić

Stocking was carried out in accordance with the basic provisions of the Law on Freshwater Fisheries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other valid regulations that complete the necessary legislation in the field of freshwater fisheries.  In order to preserve the autochthonous fish stock, the only species that can be stocked is the brook trout salmo trutta of the Danube basin.

 In the area of ​​the Protected Landscape “Bentbaša” stocking was carried out with brook trout of the Miljacka River.  With the presence of the supervisor of the Cantonal Institution for Protected Natural Areas, stocking was done by members of the Sports and Fishing Association “Miljacka” Stari Grad Sarajevo.

Stocking was carried out in accordance with the basic provisions of the Law on Freshwater Fisheries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other valid regulations that complete the necessary legislation in the field of freshwater fisheries.  In order to preserve the autochthonous fish stock, the only species that can be stocked is the brook trout salmo trutta of the Danube basin.

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