Training on Participation in Grant Programmes for Managers of Protected Areas

by Mustafa Zvizdić

Training of managers of protected areas of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on 9 and 10 March in the hotel “Monti” on Igman, focussing on the participation in the grant programmes of the Federation Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Fund for Environmental Protection of the Federation of BiH, at which, among others, representatives of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas participated. The training is a joint initiative of the USAID project for the development of sustainable tourism in BiH and the UNDP project entitled “Sustainability of Protected Areas in BiH (SPA)”, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), whose goal is to provide technical assistance to the relevant ministries.

Through both projects, in cooperation with the competent institutions, support will be provided in the improvement of the existing mechanisms for awarding grants in order to increase the capacities of managers of protected areas for the successful use of these funds.  The focus of the training was on public invitations in the field of nature protection and tourism.  The training also provided information on access to other available sources of financing projects for the development of sustainable tourism.

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