The “Nature for Recovery” project implemented in Skakavac

by Mustafa Zvizdić

The “Nature for Recovery” project was implemented in cooperation with the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, the Sarajevo Development Agency SERDA and the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas of Sarajevo Canton was implemented in the wider area of ​​the Nature Monument “Skakavac” in the period from from April 2022 to September 2023, 

initiated by the public invitation published by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) within the framework of the joint project of the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany – EU4BusinessRecovery in order to mitigate the negative consequences of the COVID-19 virus on tourism.

The project did the following:

  • Trails have been mapped, and signage has been installed for over 50 km of trails. Signage has been installed for pedestrian, mountain and bicycle paths, and everything has been digitized and can be followed through an application that works in offline mode as well. The SOAR (Sarajevo Outdoor ROUTES) application can be downloaded by simply scanning the QR code found on the signage.
  • A Via Ferrata has been installed. It is a climbing trail on the White Rock. If visitors are interested in this adrenaline experience, they should contact PD “Skakavac” who will be happy to guide them through this tour, with the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina placed at the top.
  • Bicycles were also purchased as part of the new tourist offer, for which you can also contact PD “Skakavac” and Association “Vučko”.
  • One locality in the centre of Skakavac is qualified for the possibility of issuing accommodation capacities. Solar panels have been installed that will provide the building with electricity from renewable sources, which is the goal of developing the tourist offer in the area of ​​the “Skakavac” Nature Monument.
  • These data can be found on the new website of Skakavac, which was also created through this project, and will be used for the promotion of new tourist offers in Skakavac.
  • 10 new gazebos and 10 stone benches were placed on the road from Nahorevo to the protected area, as well as 20 new forest benches that were distributed within the area.
  • The steps leading to the waterfall, which were destroyed due to a rock fall, were repaired.
  • 5 sales booths for domestic producers have been acquired, which will be put to use with the publication of a public invitation by the Municipality of Centar.
  • Trainings were held for providers of tourist services in this locality, and new tourist offers were created.

This project will undoubtedly improve the tourist offer of the Nature Monument “Skakavac” in many segments and make the stay more pleasant and meaningful for visitors.

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