Bicycle ride at Vrelo Bosne

by Mustafa Zvizdić

As part of the celebration of European Car Free Day, the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas organized a bike ride on 22 September 2022 at Vrelo Bosne, in which more than three hundred students from elementary and secondary schools in Ilidža and the High School for Environment and Wood Design from Sarajevo participated. The start of the bicycle race was at the beginning of Velika aleja at the parking lot near the taxi stand, and the students drove to Stojčevac and back with police and medical security.

The bike ride was organized as part of the project of marking important ecological dates in cooperation with primary and secondary schools, which the Institution has been implementing for the twelfth year in a row and which more than 10,000 students have gone through. Sponsors of the event were the company “Cocta” with its products and the “Sarajevo Brewery” with the water “Lejla”.

By participating in such events, students are simultaneously educated about the importance of protecting natural values, informed about protected areas and actively involved in their issues.

The cycling event at Vrelo Bosne has become a tradition and with its global messages, it is significant not only for the municipality of Ilidža, but also much wider.

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