Work-based Learning of Students in Protected Areas of Canton Sarajevo

by Mustafa Zvizdić

On 19 September 2022, an agreement was signed on the regulation of mutual rights and obligations of the signatories for the implementation of the partnership project of work-based learning of students. The agreement was signed in the premises of the High School for Environment and Wood Design in Sarajevo by Director Elvedina Baždar on behalf of the High School for Environment and Wood Design and Director Asad Jelešković on behalf of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas. 

The same agreements were signed between the High School for Environment and Wood Design and Director Samir Omerović on behalf of Cantonal Public Institution “Sarajevo-šume” and Director Adis Bešlić on behalf of Cantonal Public Institution “Park” Sarajevo.

The agreement regulates the mutual relations between the signatories in order to jointly implement a work-based learning project in the protected areas of the Canton of Sarajevo for fourth and third grade students in accordance with the real needs of the Institution for the Training of Future Workers.

Students are provided with practical skills acquired through the field work, which will result in quality education of young people.

The agreement is the result of successful cooperation during previous years and promotion of Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas as a strategic partner in student education.

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