The motif of the Austro-Hungarian Villa in the Velika Aleja on Postage Stamps

by Mustafa Zvizdić

The Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas has applied to the Call for participation in proposing themes and motifs for the annual programme of issuing commemorative and regular postage stamps in 2023, which was launched by JP BH POŠTA. In the selection, the proposal of the Institution passed, which was about the motif of the Austro-Hungarian villa in the Velika Aleja.

This project aims, among other things, to affirm the cultural and natural values ​​of Bosnia and Herzegovina whose important and unavoidable part are the protected natural areas of Sarajevo Canton. The motif of Velika Aleja, which was put on postage stamps this year, is known beyond the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it has been permanently recorded in some anthology productions of Bosnian cinematography, such as the film “The Scent of Quince”.

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