The Meeting Held in the Premises of the Sarajevo Canton

by Mustafa Zvizdić

In the premises of Sarajevo Canton, on 19 January 2024, representatives of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas attended a meeting organized by the Ministry of Economy of Sarajevo Canton, i.e. the Directorate for Tourism. The topic of the meeting was the presentation of the results achieved by the Institution in the past year when it comes to TOP 100 stories about good practice and green destination. Representatives of all municipalities of Sarajevo Canton and the Tourist Board of Sarajevo Canton were invited to the meeting, where they were introduced to the possibility of business and destination certification, as well as the improvement of sustainable tourism and promotion in the area of ​​Sarajevo Canton, which were presented by the organizations Green Visions and GIZ BiH.

The Institute’s results on certification activities and TOP 100 stories about good practice and green destination were presented by director Asad Jelešković and Naida Gušević as coordinator on behalf of the Certification Institute. In addition to the director and coordinator, the meeting was attended by chief supervisor Muhamed Smailhodžić.

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