Wild Game at Vrelo Bosne

by Mustafa Zvizdić

The snowfall these days also affected the movement of animals.  In the area of ​​the “Vrelo Bosne” Nature Monument, in addition to noble game animals such as roe deer (capreolus capreolus), which find salt licks, the tracks of a wolf (canis lupus) were recorded, which in search of food came down from Igman, which is its natural habitat.

Traces are visible on the salt and wintering grounds of roe deer that live there during the winter and seek shelter from the heavy snow, in search of salt and raspberry leaves (rubus fruticosus).

This is yet another indicator that peace and protection, as well as regular feeding of wild animals in the area managed by the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas of the Canton Sarajevo enables biological diversity and a rich fauna.

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