Remedial and Cultivation Measures for Woody Species

by Mustafa Zvizdić

Woody species within protected areas play a crucial role not only in maintaining the natural balance but also in terms of aesthetics and landscape preservation. Through carefully planned cultivation and care measures, the Institution is working to preserve and enhance these natural oases.

In the Ambassadors’ Alley, located within the Bentbaša Protected Landscape, large-leaved linden trees have been planted. In the Trebević Protected Landscape, young saplings of the spruce (Pančićeva omorika) have been introduced. Meanwhile, at the Vrelo Bosne Nature Monument, remedial and cultivation measures are continuously implemented within the core of the most sensitive part of this natural gem.

Based on expert recommendations, trees that have been removed due to biotic and abiotic factors are replaced with young and healthy specimens. This practice not only preserves natural biodiversity but also ensures that Sarajevo Canton’s protected areas are preserved in their full glory for future generations.

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